Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Its been some time since I've done any blogging, and longer since I've done a recollection of the week. Honestly, I never do remember things well but fortunately I have photos on my phone that create imagintions that I thinkk actually occurred. So I shall share and talk about photos from my week =D

First photo is a very rushed swan done by the smiling curly haired biker man! Everytime he makes me a coffee I take the time off to take the lid of and marvel at his skill! Mad Espresso would have to be my favorite coffee place in the city.

Haha, these next two photos are of my hair after a shower, as some of you might know i've decided to grow my hair a little bit, and well, my hair is puffy, thick, curly and slightly annoying =[ so here are some FANTASTIC galmour shots.

Ahh my delightful shoes, I've finally started getting some more shoes and the opportunity to personalize them. So here are three pairs.
First is my new Pumas, light grey suede with lime green, the main reason i got them was because they were 75% off and they match my ambiguous tee.

These are my black hightops, i wear these heap but the other day I finally got some new laces and relaced them. The purple laced one also has a purple bow on the back.

And finally, my slightly worn out cheap fake cons. Two different lace designs that I did one boring morning. A rabbit on one shoe, a turtle is suppose to be on the other and obviously am still to get around to doing. On the rubber strip i'vee gone and done some purple and green stars too.

I hope you've enjoyed HoLi Fashion Guru's update =D for getting thru all that i give you an amazing bonus photo! ENOJOY!

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